SEN Information for Parents
Our Inclusion Team
Mrs Kelly
Mrs DawsonSpeech, Language and Communication TA |
Mrs BilesSEMH Champion and Thrive Practitioner |
Vale View Primary School is a fully inclusive school. We aim to provide an environment where all pupils can fully access a broad and balanced curriculum and fully participate in all the activities of the school, irrespective of ability, disability, race, gender, ethnicity and social origin.
If you would like to discuss your child’s Special Educational Needs please contact the school office and make an appointment with a member of the inclusion team.
As a school we can access a range of services and multidisciplinary professionals through the LIFT (Local Inclusion Forum Team) process.
Kent also provides a range of services which is called the local offer, these services are available by accessing the Kent website. Kent's Local offer is all about making it easier for people to find out about services available to 0-25 year olds with special educational needs and disabilities:
The admission arrangements for pupils without an Education, Health and Care Plan do not discriminate against or disadvantage disabled children or those with special educational needs.
SEMH Champions
Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) Champions are identified adults in schools who have completed the SEMH Champions programme. Children, for whatever reason, may encounter difficult life circumstances such as bereavement, family separation or low self-esteem. We are able to offer 1-1 ‘talk time’ or small group work using cognitive behavioural approaches to support our children’s emotional needs and well-being. We can liaise with other agencies and schools to ensure the best outcomes for our children.
Our SEMH Champion is Mrs Biles.
The Thrive Approach
The Thrive approach is the early identification of emotional developmental need in children. When you address emotional developmental needs it builds a child’s resilience and supports children engage in learning. The Thrive approach sets out the age-appropriate developmental tasks of children, this knowledge can be used to shape provision to make the best use of learning. This enhances their emotional and social skills, improves their emotional well-being and develops their emotional literacy.
Our Thrive Practitioner is Mrs Biles
Speech, Language and Communication Needs (SLCN)
Speech, Language and Communication are important for:
- reading
- learning
- making friends
- understanding and controlling emotions or feelings.
Every child or young person with SLCN is different and may have difficulty with one, some or all of the different aspects of SLC at different times of their lives. With the right support at the right time, children, and young people with SLCN can thrive.
In Kent, SLCN is the most common need in primary school, and the second most common need in secondary schools.
At Vale View Mrs Dawson, who is a specialist TA works with children that have Speech and Language Therapy plans to ensure that specialist advice is implemented whilst children are in school. Mrs Dawson also works with children who are at the early stages of learning English to ensure that they develop the spoken English language skills for them to access learning.
Useful links and documents: