School Meals
The cost of a school meal is £2.30 per day and the menu can be found below. All schools within the Whinless Down Academy Trust have meals provided by our own catering team.
Paying for meals
We use the School Gateway app for payments, all meals must be paid for in advance and the cut off for paying on the same day as a required meal is 9am. The school will not authorise the kitchen to provide a meal to pupils who have no payment or are in debt. Instead the school will contact the parent to advise that they will need to either bring the money or a packed lunch to school immediately.
Free school meals
Applications are processed by the Awards Team and (if approved) take effect FROM THE DATE that the form is RECEIVED by KCC. It cannot be backdated.
Any meals taken prior to the commencement of the approved Free School Meal Application MUST be paid for.
All children in Years R,1 and 2 are eligible for universal free school meals, these do not need to be applied for.